
 India Slideshow

 India Travelogue

 India Travel:
 Planning & FAQ

 Photo Gallery

 Essays & Poems


 Traditional Gems

 Spiritual Diary

 Influential Teachers

 Useful Books

 Lotsa Links

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What's New?

New and updated pages for my web site

Ken Wilber: I think any time you have a state that offers liberation from life's suffering, it's relevant. I don't think anybody would want to forgo a capacity for great liberation, including somebody in the modern world. The difficulty, of course, is how then do you bring that into the everyday world in a way that has some sort of relevance. I think that's where the general notion of the bodhisattva tends to make a great deal of sense,. Which is namely, you, after thoroughly realizing the formless state of nirvana, bring that realization to bear on every form that arises. The impulse that accompanies that is something known as compassion. So the driving force becomes, "I have been fortunate enough to find some kind of liberation, freedom, fullness in my own being. How can I communicate that to others in a way that benefits them?"

It's not very different than somebody came along to you and gave you a billion dollars. Most people's initial impulse is, "I'm going to share that with some other people that need it." It's the same thing if you get a really profound awakening experience. It's not, "Oh, I'm going to get away from the world," it's "Oh, somebody gave me a billion dollars. I'm going to go out and share it." And that's generally what happens with people who have that kind of realization. They are moved, in a very very profound way, to share the wealth. And that's what happens.

August 22, 2003

Phil's All Embracing Bhutan Slide Show, a photo journal of a 3+ week journey through Bhutan and West Bengal, India in 2003

January 23, 2002

Ground Zero at Christmas Time, a pictoral journey to the World Trade Center site

June 15, 2001

Welcome to the 21st century version of my web page! Starting with a newly born inspiration last June, it has been almost one year in the making. You'll find that it has a new look and feel as well as a new format for easy navigation, in addition to the new front page. Ths picture of me is fairly close to what I really look like - and yes, there is more hair on the back of my hands than on my head!

You will find that most of my original, circa 1995, web page has been incorporated into this version, but this contains a whole new set of writings, plus a large batch of photography based on various adventures in the 1990s.

The following URLs are the major new additions to my web page:

Spiritual Diary

On April 1 of this year, I decided to write a journal that I would share with people. It began with a spontaneous manifestation of poetry, and has become a major form of expression in my writings so far - I've been writing multiple poems daily since its inception. It's not an ordinary diary of daily details, but communications of spiritual inspiration borne from meditation sessions, for the most part.

India Journals and Information

India Slide Show

This slide show is the result of a two month adventure throughout India that I undertook in late 1998. Encompassing over 250 slides in two sizes, it is a virtual tour of this amazing country, detailing many of its highs and lows.

India Travelogue

While on my tour of India, I conducted an on-line email travelogue to a group of subscribers made up of local and internet friends. This travelogue has been updated with various photographs not part of the slide show.

India Trip Planning and FAQ

If you are planning on travelling to India, I've put together a set of information resources based upon my pre-trip research and preparation here that you may find helpful.


Essays and Other Writings

Over the past year or so, I've created over a dozen new essays and placed them on this new site. The Heart Space of Self-Knowing Awareness is a flagship and summary essay that explains the two notions of Heart Space and Self-Knowing Awareness.

Gems from the Traditions

I've placed a set of inspired writings from the traditions that are perhaps not readily known, mostly from the Mahamudra and Dzogchen Buddhism traditions. I will continue to update this as I find new sources of inspiration.


A gathering of poems from the past few years, including my favorites from my Spiritual Diary.

Photography Gallery

In an attempt to archive my 35mm slides onto digital format, I will be creating photo albums from pictures that I've taken from various areas of the world, categorized by geographical location, India, Europe, California, (rest of )N. America. I will update this file when I've completed a photo section.

Influential Teachers has been updated with working photos!

Useful Books will be updated shortly.

Lotsa Links has been updated for the 21st century Internet.