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Phil's Mondo India Slide Show
Sights of Ramanashram

After almost two months of journeying across India, I finally reach my ultimate destination, a place that I wondered if I would ever see in my lifetime, Ramana ashram in the town of Tiruvanamalai (south Indian names are soooo long). The mountain overlooking Ramanasramam (correct spelling) is called Arunachala, a direct manifestation of Shiva. Based on my experience on the mountain, I heartfully agree!

Driving in the cab and seeing Arunachala mountain for the first time was not unlike the feeling Richard Dreyfuss had getting to Devil's Tower in Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind.

It is a nearly 3000 ft peak that appears out of a flat landscape, dominating the view. You can feel its power as you approach it. It was exceptional.

Ramana ashram is located at the base of Arunchala mountain, and it one of the most together places in all of India. There is no charge for staying in the spartan but clean guest quarters, but they do expect some kind of donation.

Ramanaramam is teeming with wildlife, most of them in monkey form. They are fairly docile for wild creatures, tamed by the force of the place, but they will steal you blind if you leave your door open. And they're so damn cute!



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