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India Travel Pages

In late 1998, I had the fortuitous circumstance of a company sabbatical, along with saved up vacation time (and extra money), afforded me the opportunity to travel to India for a two month tour of that amazing country.

The trip, as well as the many months of planning, resulted in three distinct web based features described here:

My India Slide Show is a unique slide show adventure highlighting my travails in India from October to December 1998, including a week in Switzerland beforehand. It consists of 250 of my best slides in two sizes, 400 and 700 pixels wide or long, depending on the framing. Each page contains two pictures as well as text descriptions of what is being displayed. By clicking on the picture you can see an enlarged version of the pic. The sidebar, as well as arrow button at the top and bottom of the page provides easy navigation.

While I was travelling in India, I had setup an email subscriber list to receive real-time journal entries of my trip. During my travels, I carried a cheap laptop, published my daily journals utilizing an ever growing array of Internet cafes in India. My India Travelogue is the compilation of these communications, cleaned up and enhanced with pictures (not found in the slide show) relevant to each adventure.

I spent most of 1998 preparing for the trip, which included a second job building a web site plus intensive research on where to go, how to go, and what to bring along. The results of this research can be seen in the following pages:

Travel Tips is a collection of various points of information valuable to anyone taking an extended trip to India.

Travel FAQ answers some of the most common questions asked about travel in India.

India CityGuide is a guide to hotels, restaurants and interesting attractions in the 16 cities and towns that I visited in India.

Trip Item Checklist is a checklist that I created of what I should (and did) bring along with me on the trip.