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Spiritual Poetry


The night sky and deep space,
such intimate friends.
We're cut from the same cloth.


Space, once filled
with reactions, fantasies,
the gurgitations of mind -
cleared, over time
to allow the clarity
of its sublime nature
to shine forth.

The spiritual process,
that elegant surgery,
lancing the buttons of reactivity,
the boils of misunderstanding.
dissolving the tumors of contraction,
the dementia of delusion,
and the cancer of ignorance,
restoring the health
of spacious freedom
and easeful sanity.

Being less
needing less,
knowing less,
raw simplicity,
that Being is more than enough.


Freed from the prison
of separation, solidity, contraction,
the body becomes the vastness of space,
and indefinable pure Being,
becomes the ground of Reality.

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