December 1994 In December, I began to feel "flatlined" based on my experiences in satsang. Surely, there were blissful feelings in those events and other times, but I felt like nothing was arising - no issues, no anything. I felt that there was some kind of shift in me, possibly in the unconscious, or something more fundamental than that. In any case, I felt a certain freedom in just living my life simply and directly, even though seeking was still active (but to a lesser degree). I was reminded of Love-Ananda's story of visiting Muktananda's ashram a second time, where nothing arose for him. Could this possibly be the same thing, or just a simple experience of equanimity? A number of events began to occur in and out of satsang. One seemed, on one level, to be particularly disturbing. At certain times, when the intensity of shakti seemed almost crushing, an irrational fear began to arise, like I was going to die. I noticed it and it wasn't a completely overwhelming feeling, but I did feel the strong urge to bolt out of the room through the nearest wall, no matter how thick it was. Another more frequent event was a feeling of utter vulnerability, as if I had no walls, no boundaries. It felt frightening to feel so unguarded and subject to whatever. I wondered if women feel this vulnerable all the time or some of the time. In late December I had the following dream: